Parkgate Listed and Historic Buildings
Parkgate has a large number of listed and other historic buildings. Getting the historic central area of Parkgate designated as a conservation area in 1973 was one of the The Parkgate Society’s earliest achievements.
Today the Society keeps a watching brief on Parkgate’s stock of listed buildings to ensure that they are protected and maintained to an adequate standard. We have been asked by Historic England (formally English Heritage) to voluntarily perform periodic inspections of our listed buildings and to report back to them on the state of the buildings. We also keep an eye on local planning applications and make relevant representations to the Planning Authorities should we feel that any of our historic buildings are under threat.
Many of these buildings are included in our Parkgate Heritage Trail and have a bronze plaque attached briefly describing that building's history. For a more detailed history of these buildings you can purchase our Heritage Trail booklet. Another good and informative read is “This is Parkgate”, an older booklet written by our former Chairman and local historian Geoffrey Place. Both of these booklets cost £2.00 each and can be purchased online here or from Nicholl’s Ice Cream shop on The Parade, Parkgate.
Grade II* Listed Buildings
These buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Only 5.5% of listed buildings in the U.K. are Grade II*.

Grade II listed Buildings
These buildings are of special interest warranting every effort to preserve them. 92% of all listed buildings in U.K. are in this class.

Local Listing buildings / structures
Local listings are designated by Ellesmere Port and Neston Borough Council.
other possible Heritage assets

This list of buildings has been compiled from a number of sources:
Parkgate Conservation Area: Character Appraisal and Management Plan, Feb 2008;
Neston Neighbourhood Plan 2015, Appendix A;
English Heritage website.
You can view the full Historic England listing description and attributes for each building using their interactive map search

Example of the Historic England interactive map search
Last Updated February 2024